Photo of the CCCamp23 BuB Campsign

37th Chaos Communication Congress

The Chaos Communication Congress is back, inviting hackers, activists, artists, and technology enthusiasts to the renovated Hamburg Congress Center. Expect insightful lectures, collaborative learning, creative projects, and vibrant discussions in a peaceful, respectful atmosphere.

Join us at the 37C3 conference track "Sustainability & Climate Justice"! We're thrilled to focus on the pressing issues of ecological injustice and ecosystem collapse. If you're passionate about creating a sustainable, just, and democratic digital future, we invite you to submit your presentations by November 11, 2023. We're particularly keen to hear from underrepresented groups and those from the global south.

Bits & Bäume is actively involved, creating a community area for digitalization, sustainability, common good technology, and freedom rights enthusiasts. Challenge outdated ideas, reshape perceptions, and tackle tomorrow's problems today. Remember, "All Creatures Welcome" and "Be Excellent to Each Other."

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